Moldovan-Austrian Center for Peace Initiatives, Democracy Changes and Conflict Resolution (CPI)

For efficient training of specialists in the field of International Relations, the Department of International Relations harmoniously combines the theoretical studies with social, cultural and civic aspects. Thus, the MoldovanAustrian Center for Peace Initiatives, Democracy Changes and Conflict Resolution (CPI) presents a platform of resources for lectures and students in the field of democracy, governance and conflict management, the main objective consisting in determining the educational policy for consolidating democracy in the Republic of Moldova and educating youth in the spirit of European values.

The Center was founded in 2009 and hosted many remarkable events with the participation of students. Among which could be mentioned: 

  • International seminar „Democratic governance in the security sector”, (November 5-6, 2009) organized in partnership with the Center for European Security Studies (CESS) from Netherlands, The Foreign Policy Association and the Department of International Relations of the Moldova State;
  • International Education Program „Secession Conflict in Moldova: Conflict Management and Accommodative Policies’(29th of November – 5th December)- this experience exchange study allowed students of the State University of Moldova, Transnistria and a group of 10 students and 2 professors of Tartu University, Estonia to participate in a range of activities, such as: public lectures, round tables, meetings with experts and representatives of government and ONGs, study visits and other social and cultural events;
  • Scientific Conference on European integration „Europe without walls, without borders” marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (December 2009);
  • Meeting with the professor Dr. Iordan – Gheorghe Bărbulescu, Dean of the Department of International Relations and European Integration of the University of Bucharest (February 23, 2010);
  • Public lectures held by professors of the University of Vienna, Dr. Friedhelm Frischenshlager, Hans-Georg Heinrich and Karin Liebhart, (March 19, 2010). The guests addressed subjects as the Common Foreign and Security policy of EU, enlargement of EU şi crises management, democracy – population – totalitarianism and respectively the quality of democracy;
  • Workshop „ Romania and the Republic of Moldova in regional context” I and II ed. (April 22-24, 2010 and May 20-21, 2011) within the of the Center of Excellence Project Jean Monnet, the Center of European Studies, University „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi, Romania;
  • Round table « Moldova on the path to Europeanization: inter-university cooperation and academic mobility», December 1, 2010);
  • Visit of Estonian professors from the University of Tartu, Estonia (April 19-28, 2011 and October 26, 2011. Ulrika Hurt, Mr. Raul Eamets, Mr. Viljar Veebel, Mrs. Olga Bogdanova conducted public lectures for students and participated in a round table organized by the International Relations Department, MSU.
  • „The Republic of Moldova – integrated state”. This activity is based on a cycle of three presentations about Moldova by students from different regions of the Republic of Moldova, including Transnistria region, focusing on removing the existing barriers and stereotypes within the society.
  • During 2012-2013, CPI in collaboration with Centro Studi Difesa Civile, Rome, Italy, carried out the project ”Moldovan Peace Scholars and Practitioners Network(the National Network of Researchers and Practitioners of Peace Studies in the Republic of Moldova). The project aimed to carry out through international collaboration a range of scientific and methodological activities such as:
  • Curriculum Development in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution“- the first theoretical-methodological seminar was held by ICC on June 28-29, 2012. This event was attended by representatives of academic environment and NGOs of the Republic of Moldova and addressed issues such as the role, place and necessity of introducing peace studies and polemology in the university curriculum in the Republic of Moldova.
  • ”Peace studies development in the Republic of Moldova” – the second seminar, organized on October 25-26, 2012, focused mainly on the presentation of the official web site of peace studies network that could be accessed at: Considered one of the most important source of information exchange in the field of peace studies, it consolidates the cooperation between university project partners and NGOs: Department of International Relations of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Studies of the State University of Moldova, Centro Studi Difesa Civile of Rome, Italy, Comrat and Balti Universities, Free International University of Moldova, Perspectiva-Int University, CREDO, Institute of Law and Civil Society of Tiraspol, Institute of Public Policy, Hilfswerk Austria in Moldova etc.
  • “Peace and conflict studies in the Republic of Moldova” – the seminar took place on April 24, 2013 and was a platform of delivering the project outcomes, namely, it launched the theoretical and methodological guide “Peace studies and conflict resolution in the university curriculum”. This work is a collection of researches and  contributions of scholars developed within the inter-university collaboration project framework.  

The Center closely cooperates with Hilfswerk Austria International Representation in the Republic of Moldova and the Centro Studii Difensa Civile of Italy. It is a component of “Peace Scholars and Practitioners Network in the Republic of Mold

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