Center for European Studies The necessity to establish at MSU a Center for studding processes carried out within the EU became imperative when the European integration has been declared as the main objective of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova. Following the proposals launched by the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Studies to the MSU management, in December 2011 (Minutes no. 6 of the MSU Senate meeting of December 27, 2011), the Senate adopted the decision to create the Center for European Studies.

The Mission of the Center

The Center for European Studies of the State University of Moldova has a highly important mission. The activity of the Center shall be carried out in line with similar centers of universities of Romania, Ukraine and other European countries. The center is designed also to operate as a connection structure between the university, academic environment, the political decision makers, the civil society and business sectors, focusing on the development of sustainable inter-institutional partnerships within the country’s perspective of European integration framework.

The Aim of the Center

The main purpose of the Center for European Studies consists in its substantial contribution to further development of European Studies in the Republic of Moldova as an indispensable and particularly important part of the overall process of supporting our country to achieve the European integration objectives. The Center has a broader mission, such as, to contribute to the cultural, scientific, educational development of the Republic of Moldova, to encourage the process of European integration of the Republic of Moldova and to strengthen the capacity of our country to join the European Union in the future.

The Objectives of the Center

  • To develop the European Studies in the Republic of Moldova as a field of high education studies at both levels – bachelor’s and master’s degree, also to train professional staff within doctoral programs;
  • To develop the European Studies as a field of scientific research of processes taking place in Europe at present, issues it faces, focusing on both general, theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of integration and unification movements, including the European integration of the Republic of Moldova;
  • To develop the European Studies as a field of socio-political activity, cooperating with population, including from the Europeanization perspectives, enhancing the country and its population ability to address the future accession to the European Union, to settle multiple economic, political, social and cultural problems related to the European integration and unification.

The Activity Plan

The activity of the Center is based on elaborating and implementing working plans within current and prospect contexts. Among the main activities of the Center could be mentioned the traditional annual events related to the Day of Europe, holding conferences, seminars, round tables and debates on European issues, students’ initiatives, campaigns to promote European Studies, etc. At present, the International Relations Department in collaboration with the Center for European Studies, participates in the Project “ENACTED – European Union and its Neighborhood; Network for Enhancing EU’s Actorness in the Eastern Borderlands”. The ENACTED project incorporates areas, such as, researching, teaching, debating and disseminating within a network of 12 partners (8 universities and 4 NGOs) from 6 countries: 3 EU Member States (Romania, Hungary and Poland) and 3 countries in the eastern neighborhood (Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus). The project timeframe is 2017-2020 and the main subject addressed is the role of the EU as an actor in the eastern border areas.

The Center is open to collaboration with all individuals and organizations interested in the field of European Studies

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