
Academic publishing is among the main priorities of the scientific and didactic activities of the Department of International Relations and its Centers. All editions were launched under the MSU editorial plan and in close collaboration with national and international partners of the Department.

The published works cover a wide range of subjects in the field of international relations, including theoretical and methodological aspects, current issues of the Republic of Moldova and international agenda. At the same time, the editions contain monographs, guides, course materials, collections of scientific papers and articles.

Thus, from 2002 by present at the Department or with the support of its subordinated Centers were published the following works:

  • , September 11, 2011: The New Concept of International Security”, (2002).

Problems of international terrorism constitute the central theme of the International Conference works ” September 1l, 200l: the new concept of international security” organized on September 9-1З, 2002 within the Week of Remembrance and Rethinking. A comprehensive analysis on the role and causes of emergence of international terrorism and on the overall role of great powers and international community, also, focusing on methods of fighting against this phenomenon allowed to examine the issue under various aspects and to elaborate several principles of the new concept of international security. The collection is addressed to specialists in the field of international relations, as well as to readers interested in problems of international terrorism.

  • “The Republic of Moldova in the 21st Century: the youth vision” (2002)

The collection includes the materials of the scientific-practical conference, organized in collaboration by the Institute of Labor and the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences of the State University of Moldova and the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations on May 31, 2002. The conference was attended by representatives of state institutions, youth trade unions, non-governmental organizations and other higher education institutions. During the conference was presented the concept of the Labor Institute “Responsible Government for Social Development”, targeted to reorient the norms and values ​​of the community regarding the responsibility of state entities and civil society for the development of the Republic of Moldova as a sovereign state. The materials of the conference represent the vision of youth on consolidating the political, legal and socio-economic dimensions of the Republic of Moldova in 21st century. Moreover, it includes works of Youth Organization of the of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, as practical side of the youth vision on the social and political situation of the country. The collection is addressed to specialists, trade union staff and readers interested in the capacity development of the Republic of Moldova in the 21st century.

  • The concept of civic contribution in the context of higher education. Works of the international scientific-practical conference” (2003).

The edition is a complete collection of articles and reports presented at the international scientific-practical conference “The concept of civic contribution in the context of higher education” organized on May 17-23, 2003, Moldova State University. The materials focus on: concept, methodology and practice of civic contribution; aspects of training the university specialists; development of community partnership; correlation between scientific research, community development and civic contribution, and the youth attitude towards these subjects. The edition is addressed to didactic staff, students of public administration, non-governmental sector, and all those interested in civic education and social partnership between various structural components of the contemporary society.

  • “The concept of civic contribution in the context of higher education. Practical guide on the implementation of CEPO model of civic and social education » (2004).

This methodical edition reflects the experience of the Center for Civic Contribution Programs achieved during activities of the international partnership project implemented by the MSU and Rutgers University (USA), and recommendations on developing social and civic activism in the educational process. The materials relate on stages and methods to elaborate CEPO courses, collaboration mechanisms for community partners, methodology and practice of civic contribution; training of university specialists and development of community partnerships. The edition is addressed to didactic staff, community partners, public administration students, the non-governmental sector and all those interested in civic education and social partnership with various structural components of the contemporary society. Works included in the present edition were discussed at the meeting of the Department of International Relations and proposed for publishing by the Council of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, MSU.

  • “The globalization process: challenges and solutions”, (2004).

This scientific edition is a complete collection of articles and reports presented at the scientific conferences: “The 21st Century in search for alternative to international terrorism”, September 11, 2003 and “The Globalization Process: Challenges and Solutions”, October 25, organized at the Moldova State University in the framework of CEPO project, as a continuation of the collaboration program with Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA), also, scientific research of academic staff of the Department of International Relations of USM. The included works reveal the issue of global transformations in terms of the human, economic and social dimension: aspects of force, terror and international security in the 21st century. The edition is addressed to professors, students, public administration and non-governmental sector, and to all those interested in the field of international relations, political science and civic education of the contemporary society.

  • “Analytical programs of university courses with elements of civic contribution (methodical collection)” (2005).

The methodical edition is a collection of analytical programs and syllabuses for university courses with elements of civic contribution, elaborated in the context of the project implemented in partnership by MSU, Rutgers University (SUA) and CEPO Center. The materials relate on stages and methods to elaborate CEPO courses, collaboration mechanisms for community partners, methodology and practice of civic contribution; training of university specialists and development of community partnerships. The edition is addressed to didactic staff, community partners, public administration students, the non-governmental sector and all those interested in civic education and social partnership with various structural components of the contemporary society. Works included in the present edition were discussed at the meeting of the Department of International Relations and proposed for publishing by the Council of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, MSU.

  • ТEOSA V. “The of Republic of Moldova: practical social policies in the context of globalization of labor”, (2006). The present work is elaborated on theoretical analysis of study results regarding practical social policies for promoting gender equality, employment, poverty reduction, labor protection, and others. It outlines the alignment of the experience on social reforms in the field of labor of the Republic of Moldova to international and European practices. Moreover, the author identifies problems, trends and prospects of implementing practical social policies in the field of labor in Moldova. The edition is addressed to academic environment, community partners, public administration, trade unions and non-governmental sector, also, to all those interested in the qualitative change of actual situation in the field of labor. It was discussed and recommended for publishing at the meeting of the Department of Political Sciences and civic education, MSU.

The quarterly scientific-methodical journal “International Studies. Perspectives from Moldova” (2006-2009). The summary of the journal reflects the research activity of the academic staff of the Department and serve as didactic support for the disciplines provided for the first and second cycle. The materials discuss the realities of international transformations at the current stage, the strategies and priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova, the security issues at regional and global level, as well as the aspects of European integration of the Republic of Moldova. In the process of publishing the journal, the Department collaborates with representatives of other local and abroad educational institutions, representatives of embassies accredited in Chisinau, also with prominent diplomats sharing their opinions on various aspects of practical activity in the field of international relations. The materials are addressed to teachers, master’s students, doctoral students, representatives of the governmental and non-governmental sectors and to all those interested in the field of international relations.

  • Diplomatic service: theory and practice’’, (2010). The publication was developed at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences of the Moldavian State University based on planned scientific and methodological studies implemented during the 2008-2009 academic year. Separate chapters, articles and ideas were presented at the 2009 inter-university scientific symposium “Diplomatic Service: Approaches, Concepts and Practices”, dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the Moldavan state. The proposed study guide was discussed at a meeting of the Department of International Relations and recommended to students, masters and doctoral students studying international relations and political science as an additional source for the course “Diplomatic Service”.


  • “Political science in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and perspectives. International Relations Division”, (2011). The edition includes the scientific materials of the jubilee International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, and the results of the research activity of the Department of International Relations during the 2010-2011 academic year. The collection comprise research on current issues of international relations of the professors of the Department of International Relations of MSU, as well as researchers of other departments and institutions of the Republic and abroad. It includes also a separate chapter of research carried out by students. The materials are addressed to academic staff, students, master and doctoral students, governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as to all those interested in the field of international relations.


  • “Diplomatic Service: Theory and Practice”, (2011). These two handbooks appeared due to the close collaboration with “Perspectiva” University. The edition is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences and the inauguration of the Department of International Relations of the State University of Moldova. These manuals provide significant course support for students, masters and doctoral students, and specialists in the field of diplomatic studies to enhance knowledge and acquire skills necessary for a future specialist in the field of IR.


  • “Peace studies and conflict resolution in the university curriculum. Theoretical-methodological guide”, (2013). Represents a collection of research results and inter-university collaboration within the project Moldovan peace scholars and practitioners network developed by the Department of International Relations in partnership with Civil Defense Research Center, Rome, Italy. A separate chapter is dedicated to methodological and didactic aspects of peace studies and conflict resolution in university courses. The materials are addressed both to academic staff, students, master and doctoral students, governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as to all those interested in the respective subject. Discussed at the Department of International Relations, USM.


  • “Peace dialogues in Moldova: social integration, accommodation policies and strategies from academic perspective”(2015). Edition elaborated within the framework of the international project “Peaceful Conflict Transformation from Academic Perspective“, funded by the Austrian Development Agency developed by the Institute for Democratic and Social Development CIVIC in collaboration with the Moldovan-Austrian Center for Peace Initiatives, Democratic Change and Conflict Resolution of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, State University of Moldova. The presents publication is a collection of research outcomes of the scientific conference If You Want Peace, You Have to Plan for It, held on September 18-19, 2015, comprising a spectrum of studies on peaceful transformation of conflicts and reveal subjects, such as: solving and regulating conflicts, promoting confidence-building measures, national and international security, peacebuilding studies, etc. The work is designed as support for academic staff, students, master and doctoral students, governmental and non-governmental sectors, also for those interested in the respective subject.


  • Political science and changing society”, (2015). The present publication encloses the research outcomes of the International Scientific Conference, organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, on November 13, 2015.


  • “Post-Soviet countries between the EU and the Russian Federation – analysis of specific circumstances and political tendencies “, (2016). The edition is a collection of contributions following the International Scientific Conference “Post-Soviet countries between the EU and the Russian Federation – analysis of specific circumstances and political trends” organized on September 27, 2016 under the Seventeenth Framework Program Project (FP7) “Support for training and career development of researchers”, (Marie Curie) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) “EU-PREACC: Possibilities and limits, challenges and obstacles of transferring CEE EU teaching best practices and experience to Moldova’s and Georgia’s pre-accession process”, supported by the European Commission and implemented in partnership with Moldova State University (MSU, Moldova), University of Tartu (UT, Estonia), University of Vilnius (VU, Lithuania), and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU, Georgia). The publication includes studies on European integration, Europeanization, the Eastern Partnership and social aspects on the European integration practice, peaceful transformation of conflicts, security, etc. The materials are addressed to researchers, students, master and doctoral students, governmental and non-governmental sectors, and to those interested in the respective subjects.


  • “International relations in the higher education curriculum: theoretical and methodological foundations”, (2016). Present edition was elaborated by researchers involved in the activities of FP7 (IRSES) EU-PREACC Project within 2013-2017, implemented by the Department of International Relations, Political and Administrative Studies of Moldova State University. This comprehensive collection of research outcomes carried out under the project is used to enhance and develop the curriculum for the specialty of International Relations in line with the European Union standards. The work is addressed to academic staff, researchers, students, master and doctoral students, governmental and non-governmental sectors, and to those interested in the respective subjects.


  • “Georgia and Moldova: Experience on Developing the Democratic State”, (2016). Edition developed with the support of the Project FP7 Marie Curie IRSES “Possibilities and limits, challenges and obstacles of transferring CEE EU pre- accession best practices and experience to Moldova’s and Georgia’s pre-accession process”. The publication is an integrated collection of materials elaborated by project participants from the Republic of Moldova and Georgia and discussed at the International Scientific Conference organized in Tbilisi, on February 26, by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Tbilisi State University “Ivane Javakhishvili”. The work reveals a multidimensional study on the realities and trends, challenges and perspective solutions for strengthening democracy and development in both countries. Available at:


  • “Eastern Europe. Regional Studies”, (2017). This edition as FP 7 follow-up project was elaborated by the participants of the FP7 program Support for training and career development of researchers (Marie Curie), International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) „EU-PREACC: Possibilities and limits, challenges and obstacles of transferring CEE EU pre-accession best practices and experience to Moldova’s and Georgia’s pre-accession process” (2013 – 2017), financed with the support of the European Commission and implemented by Moldova State University, Tbilisi State University „Iv. Javakhishvili” and the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The edition comprises materials of the Scientific International Conference (the first chapter); summaries of academic research outcomes developed during the project implementation period (the second chapter); the information about FP 7 Project deliverables and participants is presented in the concluding section of the publication. This study work is addressed to academic environment, undergraduate students, master and doctorate students, governmental and non-governmental sectors and to those interested in the subject.


  • EJOVA C. ,,International terrorism. Course support”, (2017). The course support is a comprehensive theoretical, methodological and historiographical research on terrorism, providing an analysis of the essence, ideology and psychology of terrorism. Moreover, it explores the religious factor of modern terrorism and extremism, as well, Islamic terrorism and extremism. The edition highlights the impact of globalization processes on the escalation of international terrorism, investigating the main reasons of its expansion, international terrorist organizations, focusing on the Islamic State terrorist organization. Also, it identifies methods of fighting and preventing terrorism at the current stage.The work is addressed to academic environment, undergraduate students, master and doctoral students and to those interested in political sciences and international relations areas, as well to enabled structures on state security and fighting terrorism.
  • EJOV A., EJOVA C. ,,The image of the state in international relations. Course support”, (2018). The course support is a theoretical, methodological and historiographical analysis of the image of the state and systematizes technologies of forming and positioning the political image of the state and the leader on the international arena. Moreover, it covers a research on theories of territorial marketing and national branding, also analyzes the role of soft power and public diplomacy in forming the international image of the state and evaluates the role of brand strategy in promoting and developing of cities. At the same time, the work identifies problems related to the formation of the international image of the Republic of Moldova in present. The edition is intended for academic environment, students, master and doctoral students and for those interested in the in the field of political sciences and international relations, as well as, it is addressed to relevant units carrying out the country’s foreign policy.


  • ROTARU V. ,,The theory of diplomatic negotiations. Course support””, 2018.

The Course support is a theoretical, methodological and applied study, designed to complement students’ knowledge on conceptual approaches and examples of diplomatic negotiations. The edition includes investigations on notions, functions, types and components of diplomatic negotiations, analyzing their practical arrangement and performance. At the same time, the course support includes subjects, such as: core principles of diplomatic negotiations, negotiation failures and methods of avoiding errors; how to develop interactive skills and enhance the ability of effective verbal and non-verbal communication; negotiation strategies, tactics and techniques; national negotiation styles and intercultural peculiarities. The publication reflects the current theoretical approach of diplomatic negotiations aimed for professional training of specialists in the field of international relations. It is estimated to develop through theoretical knowledge, the analytical capacity and proficiency in various circumstances of international environment and enhance the ability to settle disputes required in diplomatic negotiations.

  • CEBOTARI S., CĂLDARE Gh. “Foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova. Course- notes”, (2018).

The edition is a methodical elaboration for the discipline “Foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova”. Authors analyze the relations of the Republic of Moldova with the neighboring states – Romania and Ukraine, as well, with the Russian Federation, USA and China. The publication relates also the relations between the Republic of Moldova and France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Moreover, it focuses on the cooperation of Moldova within International and Regional Organizations: UN, OSCE, CIS, GUAM and BSEC. The course support is addressed to undergraduate students, master and doctoral students, also to academic staff and to those interested in current issues concerning the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova.



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