Didactic Staff of the International Relations Department

The Department of International Relations comprises specialists in various fields of international relations, including former foreign ministers, ambassadors and diplomats, as well practitioners, experts, and representatives of academic environment. The academic staff together with students and masters of the specialty represent the great Family of the International Relations Realm of the Republic of Moldova! In this context, the study process is ensured by:

  • Core members
  • 6 Doctors Habilitat;
  • 6 Associate Professors;
  • 3 Doctors;
  • 5 Lecturers;
  • Internal part-time members
  • Professors of the Department of Political and Administrative Sciences of the Moldova State University who contributed to the formation of professionals in the field of International Relations. ( Prof. Dr. Solcan Alexandru, Dean of FIRPAS;

Dr. Putina Natalia, Deputy-Dean of FIRPAS; Ass. Prof. Dr. Colațchi Angela, Dr. Bevziuc Victoria).

  • External part-time members
  • Representatives of state institutions in the field both practitioners and scientific forums experts of the Republic of Moldova ( Stavila Ion., MFAEI; Ass. Prof. Dr. Hab. Juc Victor, A.S.M; Dr. Sterpu V, A.S.M., etc.)
  • Visiting professors
  • Professors of academic abroad centers (France, USA, etc..)., due to their activity developed at the Department, contribute to formulate and enhance the contemporary visions in line with actual trends in the field of international relations (France, USA, etc.).

Core members of the Department of International Relations

EJOV Cristina

Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of International Relations

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Theoretical aspects of international terrorism (ro, ru, eng), The image of the state in international relations (ro), The religious factor in international relations (ru), European political systems (ro, eng), USA in contemporary international relations (21st cen.) (eng), European identity: current issues and strategies (eng), International Organizations (ru), International security (ru), US public diplomacy (eng).

e-mail: cristinaejova@gmail.com

TEOSA Valentina

Doctor Hbilitat of Political Sciences, Associate Professor,

Honored Citizen of the Republic of Moldova

Areas of interest and courses delivered: multiculturalism and tolerance in international relations, European social strategies, social integration of ethnic minorities, international aspects and national security strategies, political theory and philosophy in the USA, international conflicts, practical aspects of research in international relations.

e-mail: vteosa@yahoo.com


Doctor habilitat în filosofie, profesor universitar.

Domenii şi cursuripredate: Filisofia şi istoria filisofiei (l.rom., rusă), Etica Politică (l.rom., rusă), Globalistica (l.rom., rusă), Filosofia problemelor globale contemporane (l.rom., rusă), Întroducere în Studii Europene (l.rom., rusă), Filosofia Unificării Europene (l.rom., rusă), Integrare Europeană (l.rom., rusă),  Metode avansate de analiză politică a Relaţiilor Internaţionale (l.rom., rusă), Istoriografia şi metodologia cercetării relaţiilor internaţionale (l.rom., rusă), Globalistica


ROMAN Alexandru

Doctor Habilitat of History, Full Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Contemporary aspects of diplomatic studies (ro), History of international relations and history of Moldovan state diplomacy (ro, ru), History of Global Economy (ro), Archival Science (ro, ru)


ŢÂU Nicolae

Doctor Habilitat, Full Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Economic Diplomacy, Multilateral Negotiations, Diplomatic and Consular Service (eng)

e-mail: ntau1@cisr-md.org


SOLOMON Constantin

Doctor Habilitat, Full Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Politics in the Republic of Moldova during 1991 – 2019, Migration processes of the Republic of Moldova, Institutionalization and evolution of political system in the Republic of Moldova, Foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

e-mail : c.solomon1948@gmail.com


Doctor Habilitat of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Regional Cooperation, Geopolitics, Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova, Foreign policy of the Russian Federation, Global Politics (ro).

e-mail: svetlana.cebotari@mail.ru


CĂLDARE Gheorghe

Doctor of History, Associate Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova (ro, ru), The role of practical diplomacy in the development of foreign policy (ro), The decision-making process in the European Union (ro), Current issues of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova (ro), History and theory of diplomacy (ro).

e-mail: victorios@mail.ru



Doctor, Associate Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Geopolitics, European Integration, Ethics of the Public Service, Institutional Behavior, Politology, Diplomatic Protocol şi Ceremonial (ru, eng).

 e-mail: orestetarita@yahoo.com


Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova, Moldovan-Russian relations, Moldova–Ukraine relations, Political modernization in the conditions of globalization, Diplomatic and consular service (ru), World Politics (ru, eng), International Relations Systems (ru, eng), European multiculturalism (eng).

e-mail: naliast@gmail.com

EJOV Alexandr

Doctor of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Areas of interest and courses delivered: The image of state in international relations (ru), Negotiations and diplomatic ethics (ru), Geopolitics (ru), Introduction to contemporary international relations (ru), Strategies of national branding promotion in the European context (ro), Diplomatic protocol and ceremonial (ru).

 e-mail: alexandrejov80@gmail.com


ROTARU Veronica

Doctor of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer.

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Introduction to contemporary international relations (ro), Theory and practice of diplomatic negotiations (ro), Diplomatic protocol and ceremonial (ro), The religious factor in international relations (ro), Public and cultural diplomacy (ro), Interdisciplinary analysis of international relations (ro).

e-mail: veronicafrunza@yandex.ru



Doctor of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer,

Director of Pro Marshall Center in the Republic of Moldova.

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Information security and international collaboration of special services (ro, ru); Management of international programs and projects (ro, ru); International Security: concept and strategies (ro).

e-mail: busuncian@gmail.com

MORARI Cristina

Doctor of Political Sciences, Lecturer

Deputy Dean FIRPAS, MSU

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Peace studies in the theory and practice of international relations (eng), Actual issues of the EU (ro), Theoretical and conceptual foundations of US foreign policy (eng), Theory of international relations (ro).

e-mail: morari.kristina@gmail.com


Doctor of Political Sciences, Lecturer

Areas of interest and courses delivered: Civil society, Human rights, World politics (ro, eng), Theory and practice of diplomatic negotiations (eng), History and theory of diplomacy (eng), Foreign policy of the Russian Federation (eng), Introduction to scientific research methodology (eng).

 e-mail: carolina.gor@hotbox.ru




Areas of interest and courses delivered: Culture of Peace (ro, ru), USA and International Organizations (eng), International Relations: Ethical and Cultural Aspects (ro, ru), International Trade Union Movement: development and strategies (ro, ru), History and theory of diplomacy (ro).

 e-mail: nicolaescu_irina@yahoo.com




Areas of interest and courses delivered: Geo-economics, Geopolitics, Economic diplomacy, Energetic diplomacy, History of International Relations (ro, ru), History of Moldovan state (ru), Globalistics (ro), International Relations Systems (ro, ru), European Integration (ro), Diplomatic and consular service (ro).

e-mail: andrei.ilasciuc@gmail.com




Areas of interest and courses delivered: Regional Cooperation, Mass media in USA, International Conflicts, History of International Relations (eng), Communications (eng)

 e-mail: cresniov@gmail.com




Areas of interest and courses delivered: World Politics (eng) Theory and history of diplomacy (eng)

e-mail: selena.stejaru@gmail.com




Areas of interest and courses delivered: Interethnic Integration, Identity Politics, the process of forming values ​​in contemporary societies, Informational influence on the individual in contemporary society, International Organizations, (eng), International Systems (eng), Ideological and religious factor in International Relations (ru), Introduction to the methodology of scientific research in international relations (eng).

e-mail: rinarsunea@mail.ru

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